Allmänt | English | Lärare och DJ:s | Lektioner | Milongor | Mat och fika | Begagnathörnan | Resa | Boende | Massage | Anmälan
Total Festivalprogram (pdf)
Workshop schedule (pdf)
Registration will open at Monday 9 december 21:00!
Murat Erdemsel, Schweiz & Silvina Tse, Bologna, Italien
Daniel Pereyra, Monte Video/ Buenos Aires
Septymo, Palermo, Italien
To try to have a good ratio between leaders and followers, individual registered dancers will be placed on a waiting list and receive confirmation of a place if they can be matched.
If you sign up as single you will be paired up as far as possible and your participation and payment information will be confirmed by email.
To assure your participation at the festival we suggest that you register as a couple.
If you, as a registered single, find a partner who is not yet registered, send an email to with name, postal address and e-mail address of the person you would like to team up with.
+46 (0)70 224 84 32, Bertil Eriksson